sexta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2011

What is it to you?

(My first post in English! :] )
This night at the college my teacher asked me what is a paragraph. My answer was:

A paragraph for me is a door I open with words coming from my mind. Once opened, it leads me to an universe where I can create whatever I want and go anywhere I find interesting. I can reach the stars or go to hell. I can give birth and kill. I can destroy and build. I can make people laugh or make people desperately cry. I can be a hero or a vilain.
I can create ANYTHING.
I can be God.

Everything I have to do is set my mind free and let it take the wheels.

After such explanation, I told her she should try it sometimes. She gave me an A. It only means I'm right.

Now, it's my turn to ask. Dear reader, what is a blank paper to you?

segunda-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2011

There and back again

Que se faça presente nossa vontade de expandir todos os nossos limites, de explorar o inexplorado, de chegar ao fundo do mar, de voar até as estrelas! Comecemos isso explorando a nós mesmos, fazendo de nossa imaginação a chave para todas as portas ainda trancadas na névoa que encobre o desconhecido em nossas mentes.
E que nossa coragem se faça maior que todos os nossos medos.

Seja bem vindo, novamente, ao meu universo.
Sinta-se à vontade. Sempre.
